Several anatomical browsers have been developed in recent years, it has become a general practice to explore anatomy in 3D. The advantage of using 3D viewer it allows the one to look at the model from different orientations. Now assume, we want to display the Rhombencephalon also in 3D.
If you have done already the tutorial “Visualize 2D Regions”, just click the 3D-Viewer tab on the top. Then you will see image shown at the bottom of the page.
If you have started FishExplorer newly, you are already in the 3D-Viewer as shown in image below.
Imagine now that you want to display e.g. the Rhombencephalon. In order to do that, search the anatomical region by typing the first letters
in the white searching box (encircled with a red line) in the list viewer on the right. Alternatively, you can scroll through the list of
regions. The list of regions matching the search criteria will appear on the screen as shown below.
Next, select the checkbox in front of the region name, e.g. Rhombencephalon (encircled with a green line). If the current slice contains
the selected region, i.e. Rhombencephalon, the three dimensional surface will be displayed in the 3D-viewer.